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Company financial statements

Company statement of financial position as at 31 December 2021

(before appropriation of result)

In millions of euros Notes 31 Dec. 2021 31 Dec. 2020
Fixed assets      
- tangible fixed assets 37 84.8 80.4
- financial fixed assets 38 9,915.8 9,894.0
Total fixed assets   10,000.6 9,974.4
Current assets      
- inventories   44.7 42.0
- trade and other receivables   55.0 25.7
- receivables from group companies 39 230.4 151.3
- receivables from joint ventures   16.1 7.7
- cash and cash equivalents   32.3 11.8
Total current assets   378.5 238.5
Total assets   10,379.1 10,212.9
In millions of euros Notes 31 Dec. 2021 31 Dec. 2020
- issued share capital 40 0.2 0.2
- revaluation reserve 41 1,571.9 1,642.3
- legal reserve 42 335.4 336.5
- other reserves 43 4,211.0 3,762.2
- unappropriated result 44 310.7 599.7
Total equity   6,429.2 6,341.0
Provisions 45 98.1 103.3
Non-current liabilities      
- interest-bearing loans   2,506.0 2,360.1
- lease liabilities   80.0 74.9
Total non-current liabilities   2,684.1 2,538.3
Current liabilities      
- current financing liabilities   744.2 958.2
- lease liabilities   6.3 6.1
- trade and other payables 46 189.3 190.8
- liabilities to group companies 47 326.0 178.5
Total current liabilities   1,265.8 1,333.6
Total liabilities   10,379.1 10,212.9

Company statement of profit and loss for 2021

In millions of euros Notes   2021   2020
Continuing operations          
Net revenue 48   545.7   443.8
Costs of subcontracted work and other external costs 49 -372.4   -273.7  
Personnel expenses 50 -168.7   -160.8  
Depreciation costs 37 -7.6   -7.3  
Other costs 51 -40.5   -29.0  
Total expenses     -589.2   -470.8
Operating result     -43.5   -27.0
Financial income and expenses 52   33.0   37.3
Share in result of participating interests 38   331.2   608.3
Result before taxation     320.7   618.6
Income taxes 53   -10.0   -18.9
Result after taxation     310.7   599.7

Volgend hoofdstuk: 13 Notes to the company financial statements