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Notes to the company financial statements

Notes to the company financial statements


These company financial statements and the consolidated financial statements jointly form the company’s financial statements in accordance with the articles of association. The financial information of the company is included in the consolidated financial statements.

The company financial statements comprise the company statement of financial position and the company statement of profit and loss; the notes to the company financial statements form an integral part of the company financial statements.

Basis for preparation

The company financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Part 9 of Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code. To determine the accounting policies for the measurement of assets and liabilities and the determination of the results of its company financial statements, the company makes use of the option offered in Article 2:362, paragraph 8 of the Dutch Civil Code. This means that the accounting policies for the measurement of assets and liabilities and the determination of the results of the company financial statements are the same as for the consolidated financial statements prepared on the basis of EU-IFRS.

If no other policies are mentioned, reference is made to the policies described in the consolidated financial statements. To interpret these company financial statements correctly, the company financial statements ought to be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements.

Information about the use of financial instruments and associated risks is included in the notes to the consolidated financial statements. The same applies to the notes to events after the balance sheet date, the notes to transactions with related parties, the notes to off-balance sheet obligations and the notes to the remuneration of members of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board.

Participating interests in group companies

Group companies are all entities over which the company has direct or indirect control. Participating interests in group companies are recognised in the company financial statements at their net asset value, with goodwill being separately disclosed under intangible fixed assets, if any, by applying the accounting policies for the measurement of assets and liabilities and the determination of the results as set out in the notes to the consolidated financial statements. If and to the extent that the company is unable to transfer results to itself due to restrictions, the results (or that part of the results) will be added to a legal reserve.

Share in result of participating interests

The share in the result of companies participated in comprises the company’s share in the results of these participating interests. Results from transactions in which assets and liabilities are transferred between the company and its participating interests and between individual participating interests are eliminated where they cannot be regarded as realised.


Financial instruments that are designated as equity instruments are presented under ‘Equity’. Profits distributed to the holders of these instruments are deducted from equity.

Income taxes

N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie and its wholly-owned Dutch group companies constitute a fiscal unity for corporate income tax. No corporate income tax is allocated to these group companies, with the exception of the group company Gasunie Transport Services. Gasunie’s tax expense included in the company statement of profit and loss therefore relates to all the companies in the fiscal unity, with the exception of the portion allocated to Gasunie Transport Services.

Volgend hoofdstuk: 14 Additional notes to the company financial statements