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Consolidated financial statements

Consolidated statement of financial position as at 31 December 2021

(before appropriation of result)

In millions of euros Notes 31 Dec. 2021 31 Dec. 2020
Fixed assets      
- tangible fixed assets 4.5 9,077.5 9,125.0
- investments in joint ventures 7 284.0 241.2
- investments in associates 8 0.5 0.5
- other participating interests 9 515.2 509.3
- deferred tax assets 10 258.0 267.4
Total fixed assets   10,135.2 10,143.4
Current assets      
- inventories 11 49.7 47.2
- trade and other receivables 12 228.6 173.6
- corporate income tax 13 28.0 3.9
- cash and cash equivalents 14 38.3 17.9
Total current assets   344.6 242.6
Total assets   10,479.8 10,386.0
In millions of euros Notes 31 Dec. 2021 31 Dec. 2020
Total equity      
attributable to the shareholders 15 6,429.3 6,341.0
Non-current liabilities      
- interest-bearing loans 16 2,506.0 2,360.1
- lease liabilities 17 96.9 92.5
- contract liabilities 18 46.2 47.2
- deferred tax liabilities 19 193.9 179.1
- employee benefits 20 118.2 127.6
- other provisions 21 28.8 30.2
Total non-current liabilities   2,990.0 2,836.7
Current liabilities      
- current financing liabilities 22 744.2 958.2
- lease liabilities 17 7.8 7.5
- contract liabilities 18 3.6 3.4
- trade and other payables 23 304.9 228.2
- corporate income tax 13 - 11.0
Total current liabilities   1,060.5 1,208.3
Total liabilities   10,479.8 10,386.0

Consolidated statement of profit and loss for 2021

In millions of euros Notes   2021   2020
Continuing operations          
Net revenue 26   1,386.3   1,372.2
Capitalised expenses 5 61.6   54.8  
Personnel expenses 27 -198.3   -190.9  
Depreciation costs 5.28 -347.9   -327.3  
Reversal of impairment 4 -   300.0  
Other costs 29 -486.6   -350.1  
Total expenses     -971.2   -513.5
Operating result     415.1   858.7
Financial income 30   2.3   2.8
Financial expenses 31   -59.3   -70.6
Share in result of joint ventures 7   29.3   31.0
Share in result of associates 8   -   -
Dividend received from other participating interests 9   32.5   31.3
Result before taxation     419.9   853.2
Income taxes 32   -109.2   -253.5
Result after taxation     310.7   599.7

Consolidated statement of other comprehensive income for 2021

In millions of euros Notes   2021   2020
Result after taxation according to consolidated statement of profit and loss     310.7   599.7
Sum of actuarial gains and losses on employee benefits, 20.43 10.9   -6.2  
of which corporate income tax   -3.2   1.9  
Total of results taken to equity which will not be recycled to profit and loss     7.7   -4.3
Changes in other participating interests measured at fair value 9.42 -1.1   -5.7  
Changes in the cash flow hedge reserve, 15,41 -   -1.2  
of which corporate income tax   -   0.3  
Changes in the cash flow hedge reserve concerning joint ventures and associates 7.43 11.4   5.7  
Total of results taken to equity which will be reclycled to profit and loss     10.3   -0.9
Total comprehensive income for the year     328.7   594.5
Attributable to the shareholders     328.7   594.5

Consolidated statement of changes in equity for 2021

In millions of euros Share capital Cash flow hedge reserve Fair value reserve Other reserves Unappropriated result Total
Balance as at 1 January 2021  0.2  -  336.5   5,404.6   599.7  6,341.0
Comprehensive income for the financial year - - -1.1 19.1 310.7 328.7
Movement in deferred taxation - - - 21.8 - 21.8
Dividend paid for 2020 - - - - -262.3 -262.3
Added to other reserves - - - 337.4 -337.4 -
Balance as at 31 December 2021 0.2 - 335.4 5,782.9 310.7 6,429.2
Balance as at 1 January 2020 0.2 0.9 342.2 5,180.1 412.0 5,935.4
Comprehensive income for the financial year - -0.9 -5.7 1.4 599.7 594.5
Movement in deferred taxation - - - 99.5 - 99.5
Dividend paid for 2019 - - - - -288.4 -288.4
Added to other reserves - - - 123.6 -123.6 -
Balance as at 31 December 2020 0.2 - 336.5 5,404.6 599.7 6,341.0

Consolidated cash flow statement for 2021

In millions of euros Notes   2021   2020
Cash flow from operating activities          
Revenues 3.26 1,386.3   1,372.2  
Total expenses 27,28,29 -971.2   -513.5  
Operating result     415.1   858.7
Adjustments for:          
- depreciation costs 5.28 347.4   318.4  
- reversal of impairment 4.5 -   -300.0  
- change in inventories 11 -2.5   -0.3  
- change in net working capital 12.23 54.3   9.0  
- change in provisions 20.21 -10.9   4.1  
- result from disposals 28 0.5   8.9  
Cash generated from business operations     803.9   898.8
Interest received 30 1.2   1.7  
Dividend received from joint ventures 7 17.8   22.4  
Dividend received from other participating interests 9 32.5   31.3  
Interest paid 31 -77.7   -80.0  
Corporate income tax paid 32 -101.5   -59.1  
Cash flow from operating activities     676.2   815.1
In millions of euros Notes   2021   2020
Cash flow from investing activities          
Acquisitions (excl. acquired cash and cash equivalents) 2 -   -11.5  
Investments in tangible fixed assets 5 -298.9   -327.5  
Disposals of tangible fixed assets 5 11.4   -  
Investments in joint ventures 7 -19.9   -14.7  
Investments in other equity interests 8 -7.0   -  
Cash flow from investing activities     -314.4   -353.7
Cash flow from financing activities          
Uptake of long-term loans 16 638.7   -  
Repayment of long-term loans 16 -733.2   -21.4  
Lease payments 17 -9.6   -9.0  
Uptake (repayment) of short-term financing 22 25.0   -170.0  
Dividend paid 44 -262.3   -288.4  
Cash flow from financing activities     -341.4   -488.8
Net cash flow for the financial year     20.4   -27.4
Cash and cash equivalents at previous year-end 14 17.9   45.3  
Cash and cash equivalents at year-end 14 38.3   17.9  
Change in cash and cash equivalents     20.4   -27.4

Volgend hoofdstuk: 10 Notes to the consolidated financial statements